יום רביעי, 9 במרץ 2011

מועמדות למיס ישראל 2011

בישראל, בחיפה ב -29 במרס תחרות מיס ישראל 2011 תתקיים. התחרות התקיימה 61 פעמים. נערה אשר זוכה בתואר המחמיא, תייצג את המדינה בתחרות בינלאומית עבור הנערה היפה ביותר של העולם, מיס יוניברס. הנה כמה מועמדות. מי האהובה עלייך?

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Christine Sienkiewicz. Christine 21 years, Height 178 cm, lives in Rishon Letzion.
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Esti Diskin. Esti 19 years, growth 178 sm, lives in Ariel.
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Leah Mustaev. Leah 20 years old, height 175 cm, lives Holon.
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Al’s Run. Elements in 1921, height 182 cm, lives in Herzliya.
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Miri Greenberg. Miri 21 years, Height 178 cm, lives Karmiel.
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Daniela Davidzon. Daniel 23, Height 178 cm, lives in Tel Aviv.
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Dana Zadok. Dana 18, Height 178 cm, lives in Rishon Letzion.
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Adi Royhman. Adi 18 years, height 170 cm, lives in Talmo Elazar.
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Moran Shahnik. Moran, 22 years, Height 171 cm, lives in Bat Yam.
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Nadia Roitblat. Nadia 21 years old, height 176 cm, lives in Bat Yam.

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Tali Kramer. Tuley 1921, Height 178 cm, lives in Ashdod.
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Bar Marom. Bar 20 years, height 170 cm, the lives of Rishon Letzion.
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Adi Talias. Adi 19 years, height 177 cm, lives in Nahariya.
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Kim ACAP. Kim 5.17 years, height 170 cm, lives in Tel Aviv.
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Khan McAbee. Khan 1922, height 174 cm, lives in Tel Aviv.
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Nomi Levy. Nomi 19 and a half years, the growth of 171 cm, lives in Ramat Yishai.
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Tal Avital. Tal, 18 and a half years, height 174 cm, and lives in Givon-Chadasha.
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Air Harush. Air 17 and a half years, height 176 cm, lives in Acre.
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Yarden Gur. Yarden 18 years, height 174 cm, lives in Migdal Haemek.

תגובה 1:

  1. חלק יפות וחלק סתם קיץ' הבלנדות לשילטון!
